Computer Steam Room

Until recently, I’d never really registered nor particularly cared about the North American holiday of Thanksgiving. It just seemed like something you saw mentioned in the movies and appeared to simply be an early dress rehearsal for the proper business of Christmas a month later. Then I started working for US owned firms and it […]

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One of the things with writing this here cobblers is that for every mad, mental awayday weekender to somewhere like Liverpool for you lot to lap up, there’s the other side of the coin of the far less stupidity laden home games to contend with. Sure, there’s still boozing and a fair bit of bollocks […]

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Galileo’s Local

Having last week travelled to an old National League foe in Tranmere, we’re on the La Bastarda heritage trail once again this weekend, making the much shorter hop to gawd blimey guv’nah, cheeky chirpy Cockney land and a meeting with Leyton Orient. Who in contrast to the mob from Birkenhead, almost certainly didn’t really accept […]

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Prawn on a Beanbag

Good day to you dear reader! Yep, I’m back in the saddle after a brief break from League Two cobblers duties with the Pizza Cup during the week. I had to sack said game off due to work commitments and generally not being arsed enough to make the dash to GGL when done. Thankfully Dukey […]

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Hunter Becomes the Hunted

The clocks have gone forward and it’s now dark when you get up as well as go to bed, the trees are dumping leaves all over the shop and ruddy cheeked children will soon be playing conkers the length and breadth of the nation once more. Which can mean only one thing ladies and gentlemen, […]

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Saddler Sore

One of the things about finding ourselves in League 2 is all the new clubs we get to encounter. And in turn realise that we know absolutely bugger all about. Take today’s oppo Walsall for example. Heard of ’em? Absolutely. Football League club innit! Couldn’t tell you anything about the place though other than the […]

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It’s my own fault really. I make a bit of a deal about the fact I felt a bit minging prior to the Swindon game and of course, said dose of manflu developed into full blown MANFLU, obviously helped by attending said Swindon game and I ended up feeling like arse when the weekend wheeled […]

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Holding the Fort

Everyone waxes lyrical about midweek games. Especially at this time of year as we head deep into Autumn, all that poetic stuff about matches under floodlights yadda yadda yadda. And to be honest, I largely agree with them up to a point. That difference being however they don’t have a ravenous few dozen people expecting […]

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Stoned Love

One of the strange anomalies of Non-League football was that despite being surrounded by a myriad of clubs at a similar level in the South East is how infrequently we got to play many of them, mainly thanks to the old Isthmian\Southern League divide which always served to confuse the hell out of us. One […]

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