RYMAN PREMIER DIVISION Att: 420 DULWICH HAMLET – 2 [Perkins 53.90] SUTTON UNITED – 1 [Panter 75] Match Reporter: Bob Change of reporter this week!! (What? Again??) With me visiting the missus at Uni in Stoke and Chalmers stuck at work with the early kick off stopping him attending, match report duties were handed over […]
Category: Uncategorised
Sutton Shine By The Sea
FA CUP 2nd QUALIFYING ROUND Att: 396 LITTLEHAMPTON TOWN – 0 SUTTON UNITED – 5 [Forrester 46. Thompson 47.89. Bolt 70. Sears 83] Uh oh, it’s one of those cup game things against a side from a much lower division. This could end in tears. With the Corinthian Casuals debacle still fresh in […]
This Is Getting Silly
RYMAN PREMIER DIVISION Att: 452 ST ALBANS CITY – 0 SUTTON UNITED – 1 [Thompson 90] Zzzzzzzzz, eh whassat?? Mmmm, sorry, must have dropped off there for a bit. I was just thinking back to yesterdays game and kind of nodded off. Strange that, can’t think why. Yes sports fans, the U’s doled […]
Ooooh Look. A draw.
RYMAN PREMIER DIVISION Att: 468 SUTTON UNITED – 1 [Hodson 88] SLOUGH TOWN – 1 [Deaner 30] Yeah, our not-so-conquering heroes did it again. Another point gained when it really should have been 3. Thankfully though this performance was a big improvement on the miserable shite dished up against Hampton, Casuals Gravesend (do I need […]
Come On You U’szzzzzzzzz…
RYMAN PREMIER DIVISION Att: 503 SUTTON UNITED – 2 [Forrester 40. Thompson 90] PURFLEET – 2 [Coombs 4. Georgiou 44] So, whats next after getting dumped out of the league cup by a bunch of Amateurs?? Ahh, yes, a visit from an agricultural Essex side. Lovely, can’t wait. And just 3 days after that pile […]
Casual? That’s One Word For It…
RYMAN LEAGUE CUP 1st ROUND Att: 166 CORINTHIAN CASUALS – 1 [Watney 70] SUTTON UNITED – 0 Another word you could use would be “Shite”. Most likely preceded by “A complete load of fucking gutless…” What could be better to boost the flagging confidence of your currently underachieving footy team than a mickey mouse cup […]
Same Shit, Different Day
RYMAN PREMIER DIVISION Att: 499 GRAVESEND & NORTHFLEET – 2 [Hegley 80. Booth 84] SUTTON UNITED – 2 [OG 29. Nartey 79] What is it with this place in bloody Kent?? Every time we come here, we play like utter wankers, performing like we’ve never even seen a football, let alone kicked one before. Christ, […]
Pesky Rodents
RYMAN PREMIER DIVISION Att: 564 SUTTON UNITED – 2 [Bolt 33.78] HAMPTON & RICHMOND BORO – 2 [Williams 42. Simpson 87] Look, I don’t care what you say, they just are ok. Rodents with big squashed tails. Well, another home game and 2 more points squandered by a U’s side that distinctly looks like it’s […]
Sorry! We Didn’t Go!
RYMAN PREMIER DIVISION Att: 302 GRAYS ATHLETIC – 1 [Hazel 8] SUTTON UNITED – 2 [Nartey 65. Sears 81] Sorry folks, Taz was in Paris for the England game. So was Bob. Chalmers, who was also meant to be going, unfortunately ended up in St Helier hospital on Wednesday afternoon with a nasty stomach complaint. […]
Somebody Call The Police!
RYMAN PREMIER DIVISION Att: 370 HENDON – 0 SUTTON UNITED – 1 [Ekoku 90] Considering that Hendon is the home of the Metropolitan Police’s ‘training college’, then the Sutton team should think themselves lucky they didn’t find the local plod feeling their collective collar for commiting a rather nasty bank holiday mugging in nearby Cricklewood. […]