Greetings all, and before I begin with the Solihull blog – let us take a reflection back to what has gone on. So last weekend, we had the weekend away in Manchester for Stockport away and the road trip for Magnum, Ossie, Nat and I – thank you all for a good weekend. Popworld is […]
Category: Uncategorised
Public Liability Premiums
It’s been a funny couple of weeks. Having finally emerged blinking into the light from the National League’s somewhat taxing Christmas Fixtures schedule, which is a bit like Non-League’s answer to the Royal Rumble where the games come at you thicker and faster than artics at a fox that’s strayed into the middle lane of […]
Tales from the Sunday Leagues
Well this is odd. After 7 years of Gandermonium 2.0 and our tired old cobblers being regurgitated endlessly for you, our adoring masses, we actually had someone from outside our shadowy and drunken cabal approach and ask if they could do a piece for us. Well, we’re all for putting our feet up and letting […]
He Swings, He Misses
Ok, so it was a Bridge Too Far in the end. Everyone knew that it was going to happen to us at some point. But when you’re up against a team that had only sacked their manager during the week, down in the relegation zone and were on the reverse of a 4-0 bumming by […]
The Joy of Six
So that’s it. The end of 2019. A year that, in what was an otherwise pretty decent decade for Sutton United, turned up late to the party and proceeded to mostly just bum everyone out with its seemingly endless supply of shit, grinding football. Still, the lads at least did what they could to try […]
Smoke Filled Rooms
Here’s how it cracks along at the workers’ collective you know and love as Gandermomium. Generally, about once a month, the Editor in Chief will get in a panic in the post-match club bar as he realises no one is booked in to file copy for a number of looming games and begins the hunt […]
Cabbage Crates Coming Over the Briny
A Merry Christmas to all you old buggers! The festive season is now firmly upon us and the games are coming in thick and fast. There’s no rest for the wicked as those of us who’ve hit it hard over the last couple of days are required to head to the wilds of Surrey. That’s […]
He’s Big, He’s Geez, He’s fucking Lebanese!
Hello readers, and good morning/afternoon/evening (delete as applicable) and welcome to Robbo’s blog on the events – pre, during and after of the Wrexham game. The last working week of yours truly sees the draw for the Second Round of the FA Trophy, which if we’d beat Dagenham and Redbridge in the replay could have […]
A Blunt Dagger to the Heart
T’was the seventh night before Christmas. The roaring fire has filled the room with heat as Bing is warbling away on the wireless, crooning out a festive tune like no other. But yet, there is nearly fifty Sutton fans who’ve made the trip to East London on a cold Tuesday night to see if our […]
A wise man once said “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail”. Who was it? Dunno, not looked it up. You’ve got the Googles right? Look it up yourselves then you lazy sods! Anyway, I digress. Whoever it was that said it had a point. And usually here at Gandermonium, we’re not too bad at preparation. […]