Time check: 1655, in a mad panic I rush down the office stairs and head into the gents to change from my work clobber into my football wear for tonight’s game. With time not on my side, I coat myself in the poor mans quick shower spray, a.k.a Lynx Deodrant, grab my gear and hit […]
Category: Uncategorised
All Things Brighton Beautiful
Something happened at work this week that could sum up the strangeness of this member of the Firm. After two fellas couldn’t work out if on Wednesday if it was St George’s day or not, I simply remarked that of course it is, didn’t they know? St George’s day is always three days after Hitler’s birthday and everyone knows that! And so […]
Monday Night Fever
AHOY! El Capitan Juan here again… With the season drawing near to a close, with just two league games left to play, let’s rewind the clock and go back in time for a look at the away fixture Vs Concordia Rangers! Back in August 2013, the early stages of the season. The Gandermonium Crew took […]
You Lose Some, You Win Some
Easter is the time where we celebrate the resurrection of Christ and foundation of the Christian faith passed on the principals that have been laid down by God to his chosen people. More importantly its a couple of games over a weekend that can make or break a season for a team at either end of the […]
An Estate Agent’s Mocha Suit
Getting the nod to knock out my first home match report for Gandermonium was a proud moment as you would expect and required some proper and professional preparation and so I went out on an all day leaving do bender in Central London on Friday and woke up Saturday morning hanging by the slenderest of […]
I Am The Gloryhunter
If there’s one thing us Non-Leaguers hate, it’s bloody gloryhunters. Be they armchair SKY TV twats who seem to wear a different replica shirt every couple of years and talk down to you because your games aren’t on telly or the annoying know nothing once in a blue moon mob who turn up on the […]
Poetic Justice, Innit?
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E Murder Squad! Murder Squad! Today was the day a certain dream ended. And yet another dream continues to flourish as we fast approach the end of another crackin’ season under our lord Dos. This week has the boys have really put a shift in and get six points for their troubles. Even though I’d stated before […]
Night of a Thousand Corners
Here we go ladies & gents. We’re finally coming out of the last bend and we can see the finish line off in the distance, down the end of the final straight of season 20132014. And what a bend it’s been, with three home games inside 6 days and a visit to Maidenhead still to […]
Cars and Pints and Pains
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder” A wise man once told me,that. I guess like anything these days, you can fall in and out of love with it. Like foota, it can give you highs and it can give you lows. Of late I think it’s been more lows with all these draws, have we […]
This Love Is Not For Cowards
“It’s only a game!” Come on, if you’re a football fan of any standing you must have heard this phrase uttered at least once. Usually by a non-fan in response to you moaning about how shit your team were at the weekend. Or how being 12 points adrift of safety is leaving you clinically depressed. […]