Can’t believe it, we actually have a game! I like most people thought that once again thanks to the weather we would not be seeing the boys at home again until March. But lo and behold we’ve managed to appease the weather gods for at least five minutes and get some respite. So with the posh […]
Category: Uncategorised
One Robbie Pe-thick – One from the Archives
With the now customary shit wet winter weather once more cleaving it’s way through the non-league programme, it means another journey back in time for us here at Gandermonium and an archive report to help fill the gap. Still, it’s not all bad after Totts bit on the Ressies and 3G from yesterday. So we […]
Fred Gee Pitches In
Once more, mother nature has decided that we are not able to witness 22 semi-pro footballers stumbling about on a bit of wet grass, with the seemingly never ending deluge meaning our trip to Bromley was wiped out this morning by what could only be described as ‘a fuckload’ of overnight rain. Shame really, as 1st […]
Who would’ve thought that coming into February that we would only manage to play two games since the end of last year. Well that fellas is a “statement of fact” and for a match that was supposed to be played back a mere seventeen weeks (four months like) ago, our trip tonight is going to be on the south coast […]
Magpie Malarkey – One from the Archives
Rain, blah blah, match postponed, blah blah, wish we’d played more games SeptemberOctober time blah blah, 3G pitches aren’t the future yadda yadda, fixture pile ups bollocks bollocks. Yes ladies & gents, it’s winter time here in the United Kingdom and everywhere people in the world of Non-League football are looking to the sky and […]
Can you Streak at a Youth Game?
Ah a nice cup of tea……. Just the answer as I shuffle around in my command centre. The problem/benefit to the drinking the Firm partakes in, is that for me I don’t get hangovers (much to the disgust of someone!). That is not to say that I don’t fell the effects of a couple of sherries, a case […]
Morecambe, but definitely not Wise… – One from the Archives
Another postponement, another dull old archive report. This weather is a bit of a pisser really. I think we’ll need to have a word with the league about this 3G pitch stuff, as if we’re going to get 3-4 weeks off every winter because of our new found monsoon season we seem to be getting […]
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Up Phonpei
As football fans, most of us have one thing in common. We’d quite like to have been good enough to have had a real go ourselves. And I’m not talking sunday morning stuff, as even ‘tards like me can turn up and run around (ok, jog a bit) hungover on some crappy park. No I mean proper […]
Seventeen Hours
Let me borrow just seventeen hours of your time. That is because for seventeen hours yesterday I was out and about disgracing myself on our little trip to Chelmsford. I will have to say that when the fixtures came out in the summer one of ties you don’t really look for is our trips to Essex […]
The Referee’s a Wan… – One From the Archives
Happy Coventry Day one and all! Unless of course you hail from the aforementioned City in the Midlands. In which case, you’ll probably be having a bit of a sad frowny face on, especially if you’ve stumbled across our twitter account today. Now, we didn’t do an archive report at the weekend for several reasons […]
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