CONFERENCE SOUTH Att: 641 BASINGSTOKE TOWN – 1 [Fitzgerald 76] SUTTON UNITED – 0 After a reasonable pre-season that got us all a little confident that we’d be able to progress further this season, fate has naturally delivered a nice swift kick in the spuds when the real action starts and we go into […]
Category: Uncategorised
A Stroll By The River Mole
PRE-SEASON FRIENDLY Att: N/A LEATHERHEAD – 0 SUTTON UNITED – 2 [Watkins 3. McBean 24] And so we come to the final friendly. Our now almost customary trip down to Fetcham Grove in Leatherhead to meet the Tanners. A venue that not matter how crap the weather has been recently, always seems to host […]
Taking the Lions Share…
PRE-SEASON FRIENDLY | Att:N/A SUTTON UNITED – 0 MILLWALL – 2 [James 64. Noel 78] After Saturdays somewhat straightforward win over a rather poor looking Brentford outfit, we were hoping that Millwall’s XI would present a somewhat stiffer test as we build up to the new season. Ironically, our ranks have since been boosted by […]
Bees Stung
PRE-SEASON FRIENDLY Att : 427 SUTTON UNITED – 3 [Watkins 35. McBean 65. 82] BRENTFORD – 1 [Ide 68] With the weather remaining somewhat shit and the quite ridiculous decision made at lunchtime to switch the Windsor game from their Stag Meadow ground to some field the other side of town, your less than […]
Whyteleafe? In Pre-Season? Never!
PRE SEASON FRIENDLY Att: N/A WHYTELEAFE – 0 SUTTON UNITED – 3 [Garness 41. McBean 63. Watkins 70] Having missed the opening friendly with Walton due to holidays and then the Dulwich game being washed out (A waterlogged pitch? In July? WTF?), I find myself in the unusual position of not having seen a pre-season […]
Braintree Boredom
CONFERENCE SOUTH Att: 485 SUTTON UNITED – 0 BRAINTREE TOWN – 0 Having fought back from 2 down at Yeading on tuesday, it seems as if the lads have finally got a little bit of confidence flowing back through their veins. 6-7 months ago, we’d probably have gone on to get done 3 or 4-0 […]
Down The Rabbit Hole
CONFERENCE SOUTH Att: 167 YEADING – 2 [Morgan p9. Healy 37] SUTTON UNITED – 2 [McBean 38. Tanner 90] If you visit these pages often, you’d be well aware We’re really not fans of this part of the world. In fact, we’d go so far as to declare Hayes and Yeading are two of […]
Makes You Sick….Well, Chalmers Anyway
CONFERENCE SOUTH Att: 704 BASINGSTOKE TOWN – 0 SUTTON UNITED – 2 [Scarborough 23. Gaynor 88] Back to action for ol’ Taz this weekend having missed last weeks clash with Bedford having been on the pish down in Bournemouth. And boy is it a biggie. Basingstoke away. Still, it’s Greek’s birthday this weekend, so […]
Champagne Football & Squeaky Bums
CONFERENCE SOUTH Att: 403 CAMBRIDGE CITY – 2 [Midgely 46. Gash 68] SUTTON UNITED – 3 [Tanner 8. Gray 21. Quinton 22] It’s a much anticipated awayday this week, with the crew heading up to Cambridge, the scene of a disgustingly drunken last day trip in the inaugural Conf South season. The stupidity […]
Good Ol’ Fashioned 1-0 Hammering
CONFERENCE SOUTH Att: 518 SUTTON UNITED – 1 [Quinton 22] HAYES – 0 It’s saturday. And you know what that means. Taz has to go out and buy a new fucking iron, thats what! ‘Cos he broke his old one when he knocked it off the ironing board on Wednesday. Stupid clumsy twat. And I […]