Following our rather less than successful first ever visit to the Bescot at the weekend and all sorts of other fast food based nonsense, we are once more on the road racking up the miles for the midweek fixtures, this time heading down to another new (for most of us anyway) ground in Swindon Town’s […]
Cold Chicken Nuggets
Ah football. As a sport it can be a funny sort sometimes, giving you the most incredible highs one day and then giving you the cold shoulder and leaving you wondering why you bother at all the very next. This week’s been a good example to be honest, a good home league win followed up […]
Mint Balls
Us? Oooh, we’ve always been big big Pizza Cup guys. Oh yeah. Massive fans. Can’t get enough of that Pizza Cup action, it’s all we talk about in fact. Pizza Cup this, Pizza Cup that. We even dream about it when we sleep. So it’s literally just Pizza Cup chatter night and day around here. […]
Double Dutch
So, we’re into the last quarter of our debut Football League campaign and I think it’s fair to say that shit is getting real now. After seeing off a doomed looking Scunthorpe last weekend, we’ve now 12 matches left to play and still find our pin badge collecting, bobble hat wearing, meat paste sandwich munching […]
Mad World
It’s fair to say the “Roaring 20’s” as this new decade was somewhat hopefully nicknamed hasn’t quite panned out how a lot of us would have hoped. First we got the pandemic, which has made a proper mess of everything, putting people’s lives on hold and meaning many missing out on all sorts or big […]
The Singles Table
Well hello there! Welcome back to this stupid bit of the internet that mainly talks about getting drunk in the name of watching football in remote Northern outposts. This week, we’re again on the road and heading into the wilds of somewhere up near Scotland again for a trip to one of our more favoured […]
Toilet Tennis
Well now me old chinchillas. Been a while since I winged your a love letter from the South Coast but this close to Valentine’s Day it’s nice to be rubbing up against you again in the football blogging equivalent of the Clouseaus Erection Session. Too much? I haven’t even started with you yet my mates. […]
Tales from the Car Park
There I stood at my post on Tuesday night before the Salford game, waiting for the next car to pass me when up strolled a figure, he of the ginger persuasion (from memory anyway, as the hair appears to be disappearing quicker than mine). “Can you do a blog for Saturday?” he asks. Without even […]
Spider Cup
Take a deep breath, here we go again folks! You can also pinch your nose if you really must. After a couple of midweeks off, we’re back full pelt once more into the raging footballing torrent that is League 2 and welcoming the BBC and Sky Sports bessie mates Salford City to Gander Green Lane. […]
Give It Some Gas
After last week’s schlep to the shadow of Hadrians Wall, we’re back to the People’s Republic for three straight games as we search for those last three points to earn us that magical bullseye target which means we’ll almost certainly be hanging out in the billy bigs again next season and annoying the crap out […]