Five minutes from half-time, that’s all that was left. Five lousy minutes. With the match poised precariously at nil-nil, it was only five minutes to go before the boys could head down the tunnel on the back of another half decent performance. And yet once again, a couple of questionable decisions later and it’s like […]
You On Denton Watch?
Hola Senors y Senoritas, bringing a bit of Spanish to you as I missed the last two games whilst being in Mallorca. But this blogger can safely state Mallorca is now well informed about Sutton United and even had some people say I shall will be looking out for our results. One gentleman, named Mike […]
Wrexham Lager
We like Wrexham. Ok, it’s not nearby, costs a fair bit to get to and we’ve yet to experience anything but mild disappointment at best when it comes to the football, but it has one thing going for it. The beer’s really really cheap. Like stupidly cheap. As in “Fuck me I’ve not paid that […]
Tied Up In Notts
So, here we go again me old chinchillas. It really is non-stop, solid gold, easy action in this opening few weeks of the season and we’ve already managed to find ourselves in a full blown injury crisis that makes the Brexit hoo-hah look like a quiet evening in with a Pickwick snide seventies Top of […]
Right in the Brian Glovers
I have a little question. What is the point of the linesman these days? If they’re supposed to do only throw-ins and offside, then why can’t they even do those simple tasks? I doubt it’s just this year, but they’ve seemed to come to prominence recently with some very suspect decisions. Some of the offside […]
Osberton Radiator
As I’m now at that age where I’m past caring about haircuts, grooming etc and starting to have to lift up my glasses and hold mobile devices closer to the old boat so I can see what the fuck I’m looking at, I’m also finding myself getting sucked into what can only be described as […]
I’m Free, Free Fallin’
It was hot. So damn hot. And were it not for a solitary tree to cover the 200 travelling supporters for most of the match, the day would’ve been a lot more uncomfortable than it turned out to be. And that’s how the team played on this balmy Monday afternoon. But there is one question […]
Tennis Elbow
Before we get onto Dover let’s take a step back and consider what a great start we’ve had to this season under the guidance of Matt Gray, his top team and the revitalised and younger squad of players that he has assembled. I wasn’t one of those weeping and wailing at events that shaped the […]
You Can’t Beat a Bit of Bully
The magical mystery Sutton bus continues it’s unbeaten journey one match at a time. What was once thought as a very tricky week in the world of the U’s, has now been proven to be just run of the mill type stuff. And for the second time this week, it’s Gandermonium’s very own foreign correspondent […]
Trams, Trains & Automoblies
Well, that was something you don’t expect to see. Four games into the season as we’re somehow still undefeated. Upon reflection, the trip to the almost South Coast would definitely be seen as a point gained instead of two points dropped, especially as it was our first one here since September fuckin’ 2007. But we’re […]