Chorley Cake

I think it’s fair to say that all things ‘retro’ are ‘in’ currently. All I see every day is kids wandering around dressed like they’re extras from ‘Fame’ or just come from a Bros gig. You also only need pop in here when Totts has done a shift to find loads of middle aged sorts […]

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Vodka Milkshake

Elder readers among you will recall that Saturday mornings used to see a TV programme hosted by Jimmy Greaves and Ian St John called, surprisingly, ‘Saint and Greavsie’. As you probably know, there was a phrase commonly used which was “it’s a funny old game” and also the phrase “it’s a game of two halves” which […]

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Winnin’ the Pools

So, the first match of the 2019/20 league season has finally arrived. And in the same manner as last time out, we’re jogging back up North once again. Hartlepool is the destination this time, and Victoria Park is the place to be. It might not be the longest trip we’re going to make this season, […]

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Double Header & Done

Aah, the old Pre Season Friendlies. The footballing equivalent of non-consequential foreplay where you get a bit hot and sweaty, go through the motions but never reach any sort of satisfactory climax.  Still, they are part of the calendar and it has fallen to me to slam them into the bin on behalf of the […]

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Fair Trade Friendly

So, moving swiftly on from Saturday’s nonsense and our third straight away PSF, we’re finally back into the (very!) warm embrace of Gander Green Lane for the first time this summer and we’re welcoming old friends Dulwich along for the occasion. In stark contrast to last weeks oppo Havant, who as Dukey revealed we’ve faced […]

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Battle of the Ex’s

Well I can’t say that I’m a fan of sober football. That’s three pints or less before you ask. But sober football is really depressing, Especially when you factor in a 2-0 defeat at the hands of a team a  whole division below us. But at least we can still say that it’s only pre-season […]

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Garden of England

The times, they are a changing my friends. I mean, take the last few months for example, where there’s been enough carry on to completely confuse and befuddle even the most clear minded of grown adults. First we lose our manager of 11 years, followed by most of our squad. Then the government try to […]

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It’s An Epilogue

They say that a week in football is a long time. Well if that’s the case, then eleven weeks without any kind of football to watch feels like a bloody lifetime. Because it’s been nearly three months since we last saw a Sutton side round off a very drab final third of the season with […]

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Robin Friday – The Greatest Footballer You Never Saw

Many footballing superstars have graced the pitch at Sutton United down the years – far too many to mention here – but there’s one player who stepped out of the GGL tunnel as a kid back in May 1972 who really  should have gone on to become a household name. A lad by the name […]

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¿Dónde está Debbie de Bolton? – Football Abroad

So our lil’ jaunt on the Spanish Main continues to roll on. The moving of our planned match of Chairman Totts much beloved Hercules from Sunday to Saturday at such a short notice had scuppered our original plan. But from somewhere, the footballing ground-hopping gods have given us a lifeline as a match is found […]

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