What’s the best invention ever? It’s subjective isn’t it? Some would go with the wheel, others lager and many wouldn’t give a shit as long as it doesn’t involve a Brexit panel discussion involving the usual parade of know-nothing politicians and fuckwit commentators grifting a living out of something they understand less than my cat. […]
Ctrl, Alt & Delete
Hello readers, welcome to another blog in the history of Gandermonium, and let us hope that this one reads more positively to recent events. Mostly those being the form of the team which has been poor to put it politely. If you did not already know by now but on Tuesday saw the embarrassment of […]
Lucky to Get Nil
So, what’s everyone got planned for the summer then? Going anywhere nice on your holidays? Maybe a bit of sun and sea, or are you a traditional staycationer sort? Me and the missus are thinking about Malta this year actually. What? I’m just asking! I’m really genuinely interested in our readers well being and what […]
Whip It Like Devo
So the Sutton Mega bus carries on falling down the mountain. Wins these days are getting to become a bit of a rarity, certainly so far in 2019. Looking in the books and you can see that we now have a very miserable record of only two wins in thirteen attempts. But we’re still a […]
Birthday Bashed
As luck would have it, our beloved Sutton United FC was born on this day back in 1898, so what better way to celebrate a 121st year of shit Non-League football than to pop 230-odd miles up the road to the outskirts of Manchester for a few beers and a game? Well, we were born […]
If I Had a Hammer
Greetings readers and welcome to another Robbo blog for the league fixture versus Hartlepool United. Let me recap the week’s events where yours truly had to visit the wonderful town of Dover for work purposes rather than National League ones. I think it is fair I should state at this point that there are only […]
Britney Spears Doppelganger
Greetings pop pickers and discerning Non-League blog readers. My you’re looking well. Have you been away, got a bit of sun? Maybe it’s a new haircut? No? Oh well, never mind, either way you’re looking fabulous today. Us? Well thanks for asking. Ok, so we’ve got the sort of injury list that would make Florence […]
A Mild Bee Sting
By Thor’s Hammer! That result was not expected by me in the slightest. And going by the reaction inside the ‘Secret Gandermonium What’s Up Thingy’, neither did anyone else for that matter. But this is football and more importantly, this is Sutton United. And not some knock off form of ‘Championship Manager 97/98’. So we […]
Stakeholder Engagement
Greetings loyal readers and welcome to another Robbo blog! I was messaged by our very own Dukey in the week asking if I was writing for the Barrow game. As it happened, I was unsure myself so I asked our very own Editor-in-Chief Taz and he confirmed I was indeed on duty for today. This […]
Lifestyle Choice
As you know I like to start off these exercises in football avoidance that masquerade as a “match day blog” with a little bit of personal history that I like to think gives you, the reader, a bit of a window into my world and give a feel for the life experiences that have been […]