The process by which the Gandermonium editorial board decides whose turn it is to trot this old pony out for your delectation is a well guarded state secret. Well, it was, until I decided that the time has come to lift the lid and shine a light into the more murky corners of our already […]
Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey Hangers
So the boys are back on the road once again and this time it’s only the matter of a simple 530 mile round trip. For Saturday saw Sutton make the journey to the second most Northerly team in the division to take on another one of those bloody ex-league clubs. For the first time ever, […]
No Midsomer, No Murder
The FA Cup. The world’s oldest footballing competition and until last year, something we’d began to fall out of love with a little. Then, like the rest of the country, we decided to go all ‘retro’ & relive the 80’s. In our case that involved going a bit mental knocking out 3 FL sides on […]
The Not So Great Trowbridge Debate
Sorry sports fans it is I, the Duke, here once again. Not wanting to wear out our beloved Chairman Totts of the People’s Republic of West Sutton, I’m back in the driving seat once again. And for this game it was the first ever visit to the KCS GGL for Kirkham & Wesham, sorry AFC Fylde, […]
Spoons Carpet
“Sutton for good mutton, Cheam for juicy beef…. “Croydon for a pretty girl and Mitcham for a thief.” I love a bit of local history me and this playground rhyme is thought to date back to the 1800’s when our beloved Gander Green Lane was just that, a farm track populated mainly by geese and […]
Made from Whales
Being top of the league has been a bit of a fool’s errand recently with teams failing to remain at the summit for longer than the following game. Compare that to two years ago and you had just three teams at the top all season. Sutton were no exception as every time we had risen […]
Summit’s Up. Again.
Never let it be said that we here at Gandermonium are not a sympathetic, caring bunch. Despite Robbo being in the chair for this one, he’s come down somewhat poorly this week (I’m reliably informed it’s not alcohol related either, so that’s our reputation as non-league pissheads further down the kharzi) so we’ve rallied round, […]
All Mod Cons
“I know i come from Woking, and you say I’m a fraud. but my hearts in the City where it belongs…” Can’t possibly start off a blog about Woking without quoting its most famous son, yep, the Weller Fella, the old Modfather himself, a man worshipped by our own desert boot fetishist and turnstile spinner […]
Dirty, Mossy Cobbles
Seven years ago yesterday (Monday), Sutton United FC were getting dumped out of the FA Cup by the less than mighty Alton Towers, with the winner being scored by the bloke who managed the queues on the Nemesis or something. Still, if you’ll pardon the pun, what a ride it’s been since then eh? If […]
Sadly Sober Saturday
Thank you Mr Duke for your kind handover and there was me fretting about what nonsense you would write by way of introduction. Your words though squire are very kind! Thankfully there is no need for an international break in Non-League football, and may I add international football really is the pits, well all except […]